Sunday, April 26, 2009

I've been scrapbooking!

Can you believe it... I have been actually scrapbooking and not the digital kind. Here's a couple pages -- 1 of the pages wasn't photographed since it isn't completely done.

This is page 2 of a two page layout of a trip I took with a friend to Kennedy Space Center. It's a smidge blurry but you get the idea:
From Semper Papercrafting

Here is a day trip my hubby and I took on our motorcycle (and yes, I'm saying OUR motorcycle since my name is on the title *wink*) this past fall:
From Semper Papercrafting

1 comment:

  1. Wow - we have such a similar style with our personal scrapbooks! These would fit right in my albums... my YEARS behind albums, that is. :) Great pics at NASA, btw. Very cool!
